General English
General English
Course Overview
Our English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) is designed to help you improve your English language skills in preparation to study or to progress your career. General English is recommended as the first step in language learning for those just starting out with English.
General English is designed to improve your language skills for day-to-day situations. It can also prepare you for further studies.
Duration in weeks:
4 – 72
Tuition Fee:
AUD $300/week
CRICOS Course Code:
Entry Requirements
Must be 18 years or older. When students arrive at McGill Institute Australia, they are given a Placement Test (which covers – reading, writing and grammar, speaking test.) Students are then placed at the level which suits their current proficiency.
Who should apply for this course and why?
Students seeking entry into an ELICOS program must provide evidence of English language proficiency by completing an English language proficiency test.
These are potential routes for career progression:
a. an external proficiency test that has been undertaken no more than two years prior to enrolment, from the date the test was undertaken; or
b. an offshore placement test; or
c. an onshore placement test.
The student’s results achieved in an external proficiency test may be used to determine the most appropriate program for that student.
In the absence of other valid external proficiency test results, a student who completes an offshore placement test may also be required to complete an onshore placement test after arriving at the Institute.
Note: In the event a student’s English language proficiency results from an offshore placement test and an onshore placement test vary, the Program Convenor may advise the student to commence their ELICOS program at a different course level to that recommended in the Letter of Offer that was issued based on results of an offshore placement test.
- haven’t had any contact with the language or have but, passively.
Student can
- deal reasonably competently with everyday situations
- write simple sentences
- follow instructions and ask for clarification
- read, understand and extract information from short texts
Student can
- deal with more complex communication for problem solving in everyday life
- write simple paragraphs dealing with factual matter and expressing opinions
- understand and respond to questions in familiar situations
- read, understand and interpret longer texts
Student can
- communicate reasonably comfortably in familiar situations and on some more abstract topics
- write letters, short essays and articles
- understand and respond to questions in most situations, including the unfamiliar
- read, understand and interpret longer texts, newspaper articles and novels
Student can
- handle communication in most situations, using generally accurate linguistic resources
- contribute comfortably to classroom interaction and discussions on a range of topics
- write essays, research and present projects
- read, understand and interpret longer, more complex texts on a variety of subjects
- interact comfortably with native
Student can
- handle communication in most situations, using accurate and appropriate linguistic resources
- contribute with ease to classroom interaction and discussions on a range of topics, including abstract and unfamiliar
- write essays and analytical assignments, research and present projects
- read, understand and interpret texts of a more academic nature, and on a variety of subjects
- interact fluently with native speakers, producing coherent and articulate discourse
- There are 6 levels (Starter – Advanced)
- Each level is 12 weeks
- Students can begin their course on any Monday (except public holiday)
- AM and PM Sessions available (subject to availability)